I tried to make optimal sensing matrix for each DoF.
The work is still on the way...
Detail procedure will be reported later
I tried to make optimal sensing matrix for each DoF.
The work is still on the way...
Detail procedure will be reported later
I checked the seismometer data for the blastings up to today
Ushiba, Yokozawa, Tanaka
We tried to make diagonalized WFS from previous results in klog31041. First, we tried to make sensors for HARD modes. Yokozawa-san and Ushiba-san chosed the combination between QPDs and calculated the mixing ratio (DHARD PIT:klog31065, CHARD PIT:klog31066 For Yaw, Ushiba-san will report later). We input the value to the {C,D}HARD_{P, Y}_B element in INMTRX_{P, Y} (P:Fig.1, Y:FIg.2), and measured the diagonalized WFS responce about some alignment DoFs with 10 cnts amplitude excitation.
Fig. 3 shows the DHARD_YAW result. The coupling ratio between DHARD and others in the DHARD_YAW sensor seems to be less than 1/5 with the DHARD_YAW sensor. It seems to be fine.
Fig. 4 shows the DHARD_PIT result. In the view or the spectra, the hight of the DHARD PIT peak seems to be the same level as DSOFT PIT. On the other hand, the coherence between the DSOFT excitation and the signal in the DHARD_PIT sensor seems to be less than 0.6. The coupling ratio between DHARD and others in the DHARD_PIT sensor seems to be 1/2 at most with the DHARD_YAW sensor. So the results is not good.
Fig. 5 and 6 show the CHARD PIT, YAW results. in the view of the spectra, the CHARD sensor could not see CHARD mode but PR3... We tried to find the optimal demodulation phase but we didn't make it. We need more investigation.
[YamaT, Aso, Tanaka]
Yamamoto-san pointed out that the current order of switching the filters in the MN_OLDAMP bank during the handover from local control to global control may change the alignment. Fig. 1 shows the filter configuration in MN_OLDAMP before the handover. First, the AC filter in FM2 is engaged. Then, the ASC_LOCK guardian opens the input switch of the bank. Finally, the null filter in FM8 is turned on. However, in this order, since the filter DC gain shape become flat at DC after engaging AC filter (fig.2), the DC output changes when the input value become 0 when the input switch is open. Fig.3 shows the test result. We copied the AC, DC, and null filter from MN_OLDAMP to the TEST filter bank. We used the offset instead of the input value. We switched the filter as the same order as the guardian. At the timing on the time kersol in Fig.2, we turned off the offset. As you can see, the DC output value decreased after turning off the input value. This indicates the current switching order changed the alignment during the handover. Therefore we need to turn on the null filter before turing off the input swtich.
[Kenta, Yuzu]
We performed the lockloss investigation of 2024/09/11 16:45:56 JST.
[YamaT, Aso, Tanaka]
Yamamoto-san pointed out that the current order of switching the filters in the MN_OLDAMP bank during the handover from local control to global control may change the alignment. Fig. 1 shows the filter configuration in MN_OLDAMP before the handover. First, the AC filter in FM2 is engaged. Then, the ASC_LOCK guardian opens the input switch of the bank. Finally, the null filter in FM8 is turned on. However, in this order, since the filter DC gain shape become flat at DC after engaging AC filter (fig.2), the DC output changes when the input value become 0 when the input switch is open. Fig.3 shows the test result. We copied the AC, DC, and null filter from MN_OLDAMP to the TEST filter bank. We used the offset instead of the input value. We switched the filter as the same order as the guardian. At the timing on the time kersol in Fig.2, we turned off the offset. As you can see, the DC output value decreased after turning off the input value. This indicates the current switching order changed the alignment during the handover. Therefore we need to turn on the null filter before turing off the input swtich.
[Ushiba, Aso, Hirose, Tanaka]
(2024.09.11 work)
## Abstract
We measured the sensing matrix for remained DoF. The linearity seems not to be so bad. Although we implement temporal ASC to improve the contrast, it seems not to change the results.
## What we did
I tried it, and found that the resonant frequency of this mode got a bit lower, (112.9 Hz → 109.6 Hz) maybe because the total mass of the parts loadad on the bolts got heavier.
From 12:30 to 13:30 (JST) of yesterday, the laser was shutdown, thus OMC QPDs did not get any light.
I checked the time series of the QPD outputs during this period.
Obviously, the outputs move around in the order of 0.2 counts.
Note that these signals are normalized by the sums of the QPDs. Usually, they get more than 10000 counts in sum, but it was order of 10 when no light falls on the QPDs.
Therefore, 0.2counts of noise becomes order of 1e-4 or less counts in operation. Probably this is not a big issue for initial alignment.
Zooming into a glitch, they are pretty fast change of the offset. We can see some transient response from the circuit (probably the whitening filter).
The cause of these glitches are not understood at this moment.
Can you check if connecting the two top plates helps increase the resonant frequency?
(As shown in the attachment)
It seems the two plates are moving in the same direction but with different magnitudes.
[Kimura and M. Takahashi]
We have started vacuum pumping of the GVetmx pressure gauge (CC-10).
k-log 29326
We estimate that it will take about two weeks to reach a pressure that can be connected to X-arm.
After reaching the target pressure, we will open the gate valve at the boundary to connect to X-arm.
I did the simulation with two thicker supports of the top plates instead of four thin bolts to confirm whether the resonant frequency of the modes related to the frame structure gets higher or not.
No | Freq (original) | Freq (thicker) | Mode |
1 [a-c] | 25.2, 25.5, 26.6 | 25.2, 25.5, 26.6 | Blade Z fundamental |
2 [a-c] | 98.7, 99.1, 99.2 | 98.7, 99.1, 99.2 | Blade Y 1st |
3 [a-c] | 99.3, 100.0, 100.6 | 99.3, 100.0, 100.6 | Blade Z 1st |
4 | 112.9 | 165.6 | Frame X 1st + Blade Z 1st diff? |
5 [a,b] | 117, 118 | 198, 276 | Frame Y 1st |
6 | 120 | - | Frame X 2nd |
7 | 166 | 185 | Frame RZ 1st |
8 | 183 | 412 | Frame RZ 2nd |
9 | 255 | 325 | Frame X 3rd + Blade Z 2nd diff? |
10 [a,b] | 277, 279 | - | Frame Z 1st |
11 | 291, 292, 293 | 291, 292, 293 | Blade Z 2nd |
The effects of the thicker blocks are apparent. On the other hand, in some frame resonance modes the motion of the blade springs get larger (e.g. No7 and No8).
I found a lot of mistakes in the CAD model, though the results are quite similar. The simulation results with the proper CAD model are listed below.
No | Freq [Hz] | Mode |
1 [a-c] | 25.2, 25.5, 26.6 | Blade Z fundamental |
2 [a-c] | 98.7, 99.1, 99.2 | Blade Y 1st |
3 [a-c] | 99.3, 100.0, 100.6 | Blade Z 1st |
4 | 112.9 | Frame X 1st + Blade Z 1st diff? |
5 [a,b] | 117, 118 | Frame Y 1st |
6 | 120 | Frame X 2nd |
7 | 166 | Frame RZ 1st |
8 | 183 | Frame RZ 2nd |
9 | 255 | Frame X 3rd + Blade Z 2nd diff? |
10 [a,b] | 277, 279 | Frame Z 1st |
11 | 291, 292, 293 | Blade Z 2nd |
Comparison with the actual value (ref: Junko Kasuya's master thesis):
Mode | Design [Hz] | Simulation [Hz] |
Blade Z fundamental | 2.23 | 25.2 - 26.6 |
Blade Z 1st | 96.365 | 99.3 - 100.6 |
Blade Z 2nd | 298.35 | 291 - 293 |
In these simulations, I was not able to find any resonance modes that can explain a resonance mode at 74 Hz observed in the laser displacement sensor measurement (klog 30206). Perhaps that mode is not related to OMC suspension, but the structure of the laser displacement sensor.
I found the several bugs and fixed them.
Then, I plotted the graph of yaw DoFs with the same measurment files that Hirose-san used in klog31056.
Figure 1-3 show the REFL, POP, and AS QPD results.
All plots have the data having the coherence greater than 0.5.
Results seem to be consistent, so the analysis seems fine.
[Kimura, M. Takahashi and Ohmae]
We replaced the supply piping (Pair=~0.79 MPa) from the air compressor near IXC to the air compressor near BS.
However, we could not complete the pipe replacement because the prepared piping was about 5 m shorter.
The insufficient piping material is scheduled to be delivered after September 13.
Therefore, compressed air to the PSL room on September 13 will be supplied from an air compressor near the BS.
The replacement of the supply piping is scheduled to be completed after September 17.
Continued from klog31047.
Today, as a continuation from klog31042, the sensing matrix of the remaining degrees of freedom was measured. (It will be posted to klog later)
Using the results, I plotted the Sensingmatrix. I did not plot the results where the coherence of I and Q signals for the Oplev signal was less than 0.5.
And I will upload the results of the cross-check with Ushiba-san to klog later.
(The YAW direction as linear plot: FIG1-FIG4.The PIT direction as linear plot: FIG5-FIG8. The YAW direction as log plot: FIG9-FIG12. The PIT direction as linear plot: FIG13-FIG16. )
The measurement file I referenced is as shown in FIG17.
I saved these results and PDF version in {/users/Commissioning/data/ASC/2024/sensingmatrix/0910/save_plot/}.
We performed the lockloss investigation of 2024-09-11 16:02:02 JST (still ongoing).
With Hido, Mitsuhashi, Ohnish,
We performed Pca-Y power sensor calibration.
This is the first measurement for Pcal-Y after the Noto earthquake.
Alpha values are voltage ratio between Integrating spheres and WSK.
alpha_RxPD1pWSK = 0.80687 +- 0.00043
alpha_RxPD2pWSK = 0.80625 +- 0.00087
alpha_TxPD1pWSK = 4.50220+- 0.00070
alpha_TxPD2pWSK = 1.6808+- 0.0017
e values are optical efficiency values.
e_1 = 0.99042 +- 0.00025
e_2 = 0.9815 +- 0.0011
We will compare the result with O4a later.
Yokozawa, Aso
We turned on the noise subtraction path in the OMC QPD driver.
We also tried to isolate the chasis from the rack by adding insulation between the bracket and the rack as shown in the attachment no.3.
We confirmed that the chasis is isolated from the rack in this state with a tester.
However, when we connected cables, the chasis was electrically connected to the rack. Especially, the cables between the QPD driver and the AA chasis connect the two chasis through the shell of the D-Subs.
After resinstallation of the driver into the rack, the output of the driver moved around a lot (a few tens of counts). This is a well known behavior of this circuit, probably due to the temperature drift.
We waited for ~30min, and the strange behavior of the output signals went away.
The attachment no.4 is the QPD noise spectra after the above wait.
Here is the link to the LIGO DCC for the circuit design of the QPD transimpedance amplifier.
KAGRA uses basically the same design as above.
The noise subtraction path can be enabled/disabled by moving the jumper pin (P1).
It was disabled before.
We can adjust the subtraction gain by changing R13 of the noise cancellation amplifier.
Since the stationary noise level is better with the noise subtraction turned off (even with the optimized values of R13), we left it turned off for the moment.
We have two issues with this circuit.
1. The stationary noise is worse with the noise subtraction enabled.
2. We see glitches. They are sporadic and elusive.
The glitch issue is more serious than the small stationary noise increase.
We have only tested long operation with the noise subtraction disabled so far. So we will enable the noise subtraction and leave it for a while to see if the glitch problem is eased by the noise subtraction or not.
In the similar manner of klog 29931 or klog 30740, I simulated the resonance mode of OMC suspension frame. To simplify the simulation model I removed the breadboad and applied the equivalent load (5 kgf = 49 N) to each blade spring. The coordinates in the simulation are defined as follows:
The simulated resonance frequencies and the corresponding modes are listed below:
No | Freq [Hz] | Mode |
1 [a-c] | 27.4, 27.7, 27.8 | Blade Z fundamental |
2 [a-c] | 98.5, 98.7, 98.8 | Blade Y 1st |
3 [a-c] | 103.7, 104.4, 104.9 | Blade Z 1st |
4 | 112.5 | Frame X 1st + Blade Z 1st diff? |
5 [a,b] | 116, 118 | Frame Y 1st |
6 | 120 | Frame X 2nd |
7 | 166 | Frame RZ 1st |
8 | 182 | Frame RZ 2nd |
9 | 256 | Frame X 3rd + Blade Z 2nd diff? |
10 [a,b] | 275, 279 | Frame Z 1st |
11 | 296, 297, 298 | Blade Z 2nd |
Comparison with the actual value (ref: Junko Kasuya's master thesis):
Mode | Design [Hz] | Simulation [Hz] |
Blade Z fundamental | 2.23 | 27.4 - 27.8 |
Blade Z 1st | 96.365 | 103.7 - 104.9 |
Blade Z 2nd | 298.35 | 296 - 298 |
For the mode of each Blade Z fundamental, the simulated resonant frequency is much higer than the designed (and actual) one. In the simulation the deformation of the bodies is assumed to be small and linear. However, actual deformation is quite large and not appropriate to be treated linerly. That may be the reason why the simulation gives such a larger value. For the other blade Z modes the simulation results are consistent with the design (but the design value seems also simulated by FEM...).
It should be noted that for the resonance mode No.4 not only the stopper plate of the blade springs but also the blade springs themselves move a lot. The resonant frequency of this mode is close to the resonant frequency of the connected stack in the vertical direction (klog 31004). It might be better to remove these plates to remove this unwanted mode.
I found a lot of mistakes in the CAD model, though the results are quite similar. The simulation results with the proper CAD model are listed below.
No | Freq [Hz] | Mode |
1 [a-c] | 25.2, 25.5, 26.6 | Blade Z fundamental |
2 [a-c] | 98.7, 99.1, 99.2 | Blade Y 1st |
3 [a-c] | 99.3, 100.0, 100.6 | Blade Z 1st |
4 | 112.9 | Frame X 1st + Blade Z 1st diff? |
5 [a,b] | 117, 118 | Frame Y 1st |
6 | 120 | Frame X 2nd |
7 | 166 | Frame RZ 1st |
8 | 183 | Frame RZ 2nd |
9 | 255 | Frame X 3rd + Blade Z 2nd diff? |
10 [a,b] | 277, 279 | Frame Z 1st |
11 | 291, 292, 293 | Blade Z 2nd |
Comparison with the actual value (ref: Junko Kasuya's master thesis):
Mode | Design [Hz] | Simulation [Hz] |
Blade Z fundamental | 2.23 | 25.2 - 26.6 |
Blade Z 1st | 96.365 | 99.3 - 100.6 |
Blade Z 2nd | 298.35 | 291 - 293 |
In these simulations, I was not able to find any resonance modes that can explain a resonance mode at 74 Hz observed in the laser displacement sensor measurement (klog 30206). Perhaps that mode is not related to OMC suspension, but the structure of the laser displacement sensor.
I did the simulation with two thicker supports of the top plates instead of four thin bolts to confirm whether the resonant frequency of the modes related to the frame structure gets higher or not.
No | Freq (original) | Freq (thicker) | Mode |
1 [a-c] | 25.2, 25.5, 26.6 | 25.2, 25.5, 26.6 | Blade Z fundamental |
2 [a-c] | 98.7, 99.1, 99.2 | 98.7, 99.1, 99.2 | Blade Y 1st |
3 [a-c] | 99.3, 100.0, 100.6 | 99.3, 100.0, 100.6 | Blade Z 1st |
4 | 112.9 | 165.6 | Frame X 1st + Blade Z 1st diff? |
5 [a,b] | 117, 118 | 198, 276 | Frame Y 1st |
6 | 120 | - | Frame X 2nd |
7 | 166 | 185 | Frame RZ 1st |
8 | 183 | 412 | Frame RZ 2nd |
9 | 255 | 325 | Frame X 3rd + Blade Z 2nd diff? |
10 [a,b] | 277, 279 | - | Frame Z 1st |
11 | 291, 292, 293 | 291, 292, 293 | Blade Z 2nd |
The effects of the thicker blocks are apparent. On the other hand, in some frame resonance modes the motion of the blade springs get larger (e.g. No7 and No8).
Can you check if connecting the two top plates helps increase the resonant frequency?
(As shown in the attachment)
It seems the two plates are moving in the same direction but with different magnitudes.
I tried it, and found that the resonant frequency of this mode got a bit lower, (112.9 Hz → 109.6 Hz) maybe because the total mass of the parts loadad on the bolts got heavier.
I analyzed the images taken and evaluated the relationship between the two images using Affine transformation. The images match very well when we rotate the ASI image by -1.5 degrees and perform the parallel shift of +85 pixels horizontally and +65 pixels vertically. We confirmed that the accuracy of the test bench construction is at an acceptable level that does not affect the analysis.