[Takahashi, Sato]
- Checked the BF. The primary coil was touching to the secondary coil.Shifted the secondary coil. The behavior of BF became natural.
- Replaced the blades of FR in the F0 from the BF type + old BF type x2 to the F2 type x2.
- The height of F0 keystone was set to -19mm with the ballast (25 +5x5 +1.8 = 51.8kg).
- Measured the rage of FR again (plot). It can move the keystone by +/- 4mm.
- Tried to move the FR in F3 using the stand alone driver. It didn't work. We found the one side of coil in the stepper motor was grounded; 18Ω bw #1-6pin, 1.9Ω bw #1pin-chamber, 17.6Ω bw #6pin-chamber.