[Takahashi, Sato, Ikeda + Ushiba, Tomaru]
We started the height adjustment of ITMX.
- Lifted up the F0 keystone by 10mm. The secondary coils (V) of BF damper was moved up.
- The EQ stop frame for payload was set lower by several mm.
- Rotated the BF to the CW direction with the F0 yaw FR so that the primary coils (H) can be free.
- Measured the relation between number of steps in the stpper motor for FR and the keystone height.
- F1: Mid point is 66mm (8000count). The movable range may be 62-70mm.
- F2: The keystone height was saturated at 67.5mm (9100count). The movable range may be 67.5-70mm.
- F3: The stepper motor did not work.
- BF: Mid point is 66.5mm (7500count). The movable range may be 63-70mm.