With Ikeda-san, Hirata-san and Washimi-san.
We tested the IP steper motor limit switches. Namely,
- We wanted to know If the swtiches were operational as seen in the medm screen and
- We wanted to confirm the motor name assignment was consistent in the medm screen.
We wanted to know the channel assignment of each switch, which is determined by the pins to which each switch is conected to in the D-sub 9 connector.
- The naming convention in the manual is "Left" or "Right" according to the channel in the driver.
- Instead of "Left" and "Right" we should ±YAW instead.
We did not move the stepper motor all the way to the end of its range, but pushed the limit switch using an M4 Allen key
- The motor name assignment was correct: the hardware units, callled H1, H2 and H3, appear in their respective correct channels in the medm screen.
In each motor the cabling was consistent:
- Right is always +YAW.
- Left is always -YAW.
- See the pictures of the notebook in the album SRM Remedying Work after O3GK.
- The limit switches are somewhat stiff.
- In the case of (H1, -YAW), I pushed it too hard, the copper metal sheet went plastic and didn't come back. I had to fox it by bending it back. We have to watch this switch in case it misbehaves in the future.
- The design does not seem so convenient.