[TomarUchiyama, YokozaWashimi]
This is the map of tapping/shaking point in BS booth. (# 3 in http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=13567)
The same report for PRM booth is http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=13571
Though the strength of shock were not constant, but in our feelng,
- From these results, the path of acoustic noise in DARM (see http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=13464) was POP table (plot).
- When we tapped the bellows conected to BS, 60-100Hz in DARM was excited (plot). >200Hz was not excited for all place.
- When we tapped the PR2 chamber, around 70Hz in DARM was excited (plot).
- POS table, BS chamber body, and BS chamber leg were insensitive.
- When we tapped (like door-knock) the white frame of BS, the lock was lost. When we tapped it with flat-hand weakly, 20-30Hz in DARM was excited. (sorry, the plot is not saved).
- When we applied an air duster spray into the alminium foil on BS oplev (upper side), the lock was lost. It was not happened on lowerside one.