[Yokozawa, Michimura]
We did a tapping test around BS area with the PRFPMI locked with DC readout.
We found a excess noise around 70-100 Hz when tapping the duct between PR2 and BS.
We also found broadband excess noise around 100-400 Hz when tapping the duct between SR2 and SR3.
Tapping tool:
- Used box-end wrench M22/M24 with professional human hand.
Tapping timestamps:
Start_GPS_time Tapping_Point
1266530332 duct between PR2 and BS, PR2 side
1266530502 duct between PR2 and BS, BS side
1266530698 duct between BS and SR2, BS side
1266530857 duct between BS and SR2, SR2 side
1266531006 duct between SR2 and SR3, SR2 side
1266531140 duct between SR2 and SR3, SR3 side
1266531247 duct between SR3 and SRM, SR3 side
1266531424 Quiet
Each tapping lasted at least 60 seconds.
Attached shows DARM spectra when tapping different part of the vacuum ducts.
Tapping PR2-BS duct give excess noise around 70-100 Hz, many peaks are excited.
Tapping BS-SR2 duct give slight excess noise but not much.
Tapping SR2-SR3 duct give broadband exces noise around 100-400 Hz.
The DTT file lives in /kagra/Dropbox/Personal/yuta/Commissioning/202002/Hammering20200224.xml
PR2-BS area might be a cause of a bump around 70-100 Hz.
Let's install accelerometers here and subtract if possible.