[Tomaru, Okutomi]
Trouble report: klog#12375
- We turned off the LED lights in the X-end 1F.
I found that the ETMX BF GAS control output got saturated this morning.
- It seems the saturation is caused by the circumambient temperature drift, as we expected.
We can see clear correlation between the BF temperature and GAS control outputs (see the figure below).
The drift started at 2019-12-29 corresponding to Inoue-san's work as discussed in the emails: [gokagra 03592]
- By the way, I could not find the klog post of this work.
The drift started at 2019-12-29 corresponding to Inoue-san's work as discussed in the emails: [gokagra 03592]
- Only the BF GAS control has got saturated, while the other GAS controls are not yet but have been getting closer to their actuation limit.
For the moment, I left the ETMX GAS control as it is without any offloading works.
- Because we can expect that turning-off of the LEDs could recover the control outputs to their original values close to zero again.
- The current net height variation of the payload stages due to this saturation is ~ 4 um, negligiblly small enough.