= What we did =
- Stopped an NFS server, k1nfs0, for taking system backup.
- Re-launched an EPICS gateway, k1epics.
- Restarted k1ctr0-5 and k1mon0-10 for updating EPICS_CA_ADDR.
- Requested SAFE state for all VIS guardian nodes and stopped DAC output for Type-C suspensions (with Fujii-kun's help).
- Restarted the guardian daemon.
- Stopping an script server, k1script, for taking system backup.
- Restored snapshot for Type-C suspensions (with Dr. Okutomi's help).
- Restored IMC lock (with Kokeyama-san's help).
= Problems we found =
- User-code error was occurred on Type-Bp guardian at moving from ALIGNED state to SAFE state (Ushiba-kun is checking now).
- Type-A guardian immediately move to SAFE state as reported in klog10767. (Someone should be assigned for this issue.)
- We found some scripts operated in bad manners. They should be launched by each maintainer and should be managed as a daemon process by using systemd, supervisor, etc.
- freqmonitor_[XY]PLL.py
- pcal_[xy]pll.py
- do_script.sh (maybe beam position monitor related.)