ITMXのF1 GAS-Stepper motorを駆動中に、k1ix1の全モデルが突然死んだ yamamoto-sanに教えてもらい次のコマンドでiopサーバーを含む全てのモデルを復旧させた。 /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/common/scripts/ 電流値が現状で26A/30Aで動作しておりStepperの駆動により上限を超えた可能性があるとのこと。 頻発するようならば電源の強化が必要な認識。 --- All models of k1ix1 suddenly died while driving F1 GAS-Stepper motor of ITMX. I learned from yamamoto-san and used the following command to restore all models including the iop server. /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/common/scripts/ The current value is currently running at 26A/30A, and there is a possibility that the upper limit has been exceeded by driving Stepper. If the problem occurs frequently, it is necessary to strengthen the power supply.