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masayuki.nakano - 1:55 Tuesday 06 November 2018 (6856) Print this report
Lock-loss investigation of the IMC

The IMC lost lock every couple of hours. To improve it, I tried to find the monitor channel which got saturated or the PEM channel which shows the external disturbance. And I found that the accelerometer have pulse disturbance when the IMC lost lock. The details of the investigation are described below.

1. Lock loss type

From the transmitted power signal at the lock loss, the lock loss happens in the very short term. Fig. 1 shows the plot of the IMC-TRANS. That means the lock loss does not happen because of "the slow drift', such as drift of the suspensions or the DC offset drift at error point.


2. Coherence with the PEM monitor signal

Then I looked into the PEM signal, such as the accelerometer, the microphone at the PSL and the IMC REFL table. Then I found that the accelerometer signal has the pulse when the IMC lost locked. I checked several lock-loss events at random, and the accelerometer signals at all of the events show such kind of pulse disturbance. Fig. 2 shows the accelerometer signal and the IMC TRANS for four lock-loss events. Unfortunately, since the DAQ channel for the accelerometer does not work at all, I could not find which the lock-loss or the pulse-like disturbance happens first.
Also, I checked the accelerometer signal located on the periscopes on the PSL and the IFI REFL table. The accelerometer signals on the PSL periscope for the FSS and the IFI REFL table show the same disturbance, but surprisingly the one on the periscope at the PSL output does not show such signal. Fig.3 shows each accelerometer signals.

Fig.2 IMC TRANS and the accelerometer signal on the IMC REFL

FIg.3 IMC TRANS and the accelerometer signals.

Plan for tomorrow

I will inject the impulse signal on the IMC REFL table and check if the IMC lost lock. And if it is the reason for the lock-loss, we need to identify what causes this kind of disturbance.

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Comments to this report:
kiwamu.izumi - 9:01 Tuesday 06 November 2018 (6858) Print this report

Hi Masayuki,

I remember hearing glitchy noises in the PSL room which turned out to be the PZT mirrors of the MZM system hitting their resonances. So I might suggest you looking into this as you further investigate the short pulses captured by the accelerometers. Perhaps the microphone might have caught it as well?

masayuki.nakano - 13:15 Tuesday 06 November 2018 (6864) Print this report


Thanks for the comments.
Yes, I also checked the MIC signal but there is no signal. I attached the acc. signal and MIC at the fast channel (2 kHz). As I reported, the table motion might be a trigger of the lock-loss.

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masayuki.nakano - 0:44 Wednesday 07 November 2018 (6874) Print this report

[Yutaro, Masayuki]

We found that the IMC and RefCav lock-loss happens every 1 hour with the error of a couple of minutes. Fig. 1 plot shows the IMC-TRANS (REFL) and the REFCAV-TRANS (REFL) for the 1 day-long.

The reason why we did not realize that the lock-loss events are periodic is that each event is very short. Therefore, we cannot see several events on the striptool or the Epics channel, and the guardian cannot realize those events. Fig.2  is the 1-sec plot of the test points with the full data.

We could not come up with the idea what cause these periodic events. So, if anyone has the idea, please let me know.

Fig.1 1-day trend of the TRANS and the REFL signals


Fig.2 Lock-loss event.


Buy the way,

I found that the TFP on the IMC REFL table was not fixed well. Also, the mirror mount for the TFP was not installed in the proper direction. The transmitted light is close to crip at the mount. I fix it, and I expected that is the reason for the lock-loss.

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masayuki.nakano - 18:50 Wednesday 07 November 2018 (6884) Print this report

The lock-loss issue has been fixed! 

The lock loss happened not in the IMC but in the FSS, and the actual bad guy is the AOM driver AM input. As reported in klog6755, I put a filter bank for the channel to input DC signal into the AOM AM, K1:PSL-AOM_AM. I did not connect the input of this filter bank to anywhere, and it might be a problem. I could not imagine the reason, but the mysterious unknown signal was injected into this filter bank. This signal increased 1 count in one minute, and once it reaches to the range of the digital system, the FSS loop lost lock. The attached plot shows the output of this filter and the REFCAV-TRANS. 
I modified the model and terminated the input of this filter. 

We hope the input optics continue to lock eternally.

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