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ayaka.shoda - 18:15 Monday 24 July 2017 (3132) Print this report
SF GAS LVDT calibrated

Work on 2017/7/21.

I calibrated the SF GAS LVDT.

Here, the position of the LVDT coil under the SF was adjusted in order to gain the linear range around the nominal keystone height.
The calibration result will be uploaded soon.

Also, I lifted the BFRM a little so that we can remove the spacers just before we hang the BF.

And the rod between the BF and the SF was inserted, but it was not hooked perfectly yet.

Miyo-kun cleaned the cables around the BS and PR2 field rack. Now the power for the IO chassis is supplied from the outlet inside the clean booth.

Comments to this report:
ayaka.shoda - 11:38 Thursday 05 October 2017 (3462) Print this report

I totally forgot to upload the result.

The calibration rate is -3106.5[cnt/mm].

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