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fabian.arellano - 21:56 Wednesday 02 December 2020 (15582) Print this report
Comment to F0 vertical and yaw stepper motor limit switch installation. (15541)

With Washimi-san.

See pictures at SR3 Remedying Work after O3.

We installed the support for the F0 FR motor limit switches. The process went smoothly. Because the mechanical support for the cables was not considered in the design, we attached the limit switch cables  to a nearby pillar. No picture of this in SR3 but there's a picture of a similar arrangement in SRM here. We used kapton wire as a cable tie.

We tested the upper switch using Ikeda-san's current script:

  • According to what we know, the polarity of the motor is the correct one for the script to work: positive number of steps moves the FR up (see klog 15272).
  • We turned the switches on in the medm screen by writing 1 in a field next to a button with a letter "D". We pressed the button afterwards (see JGW-T2011520).
  • I moved the upper limit switch down close tot the FR carriage just for the test.
  • The upper switrch is called "Right" in the steper motor driver convention.
  • The script did not detect automatically when the switch had been pressed by the trigger plate, I had to press the corresponding medm update button to check the reaction of the software.

After the test I set up the position of the upper limit at a suitable height. In such a position, the carriage is about 2 mm or 3 mm from the physcal stop nuts. See picture1 and picture2.

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