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MIF (General)
stefan.ballmer - 14:55 Friday 17 May 2019 (8897) Print this report
First incarnation of LSC_LOCK guardian
Masayuki Nakano, Stefan Ballmer

We made a first incarnation of an LSC_LOCK guardian - at this point mostly as a way to record the settings that worked.

Until we link it somewhere, it can be opened by typing
guardmedm LSC_LOCK

So far it has four simple states: DOWN, IR_ARM_LOCK, ALS_X_SETUP and ALS_X_IR_FEEDBACK.

DISCLAIMER: So far the guardian does NOT do any of the following:
- error checking (i.e. is the IMC locked?, did we loose the arm and need to go back to DOWN? etc)
- aligning the optics into the desired position
For now this has to be done by hand.
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