[Miyo, Kokeyama]
Finally the readout circuit for the Pt thermo probe attached on the HPBD at IFI (to dump the PRM direct reflection) was built and tested by Miyo, and installed by Kokeyama.
The calibrated ADC channel is K1:AOS-HPBD_IFI_TEMPERATURE_OUT_DQ. A temperature plot is attached. The plot makes sence - when the connection was done, PRM was not misaligned (= beam not hitting the dump) and the dump temperature was 32.3 degrees. Now we see the PSD is centered (PRM is misaligned properly so the reflection beam hits the dump). The plot shows that the dump has been heated. The process is running on k1vists model on the k1imc0 machine/chassis.
As shown in the second attached picture, the circuit is placed just next the the IFI chamber (+Y) side. The +Y flange at the IFI chamber has the Dsub output from the Pt probe. The pin assign of the Pt probe is as shown in the third attached picture; Dsub 1 & 2 pins on one side, and 6 & 7 on the other side. A Dsub-cable adapter is used to connect to the circuit.
The calibration is done by a Futon filter;
temperature = (Vout/78/0.001-100)/0.388 [deg_c]
In the real-time code, the calibration is done in [cts], then converted to [degC]. The calibrated output was confirmed to agree with the commercial temperature reader (32.3 degrees when connected).
You can open the MEDM screen from sitemap=>AOS=>HP Beam Dumps. See the last attached screen.
For more info, see, Miyo-GitHub.