I reassigned the driver channel for the F0 yaw stepper motor in the script used by the medm CUST_IP_SR.adl screen.
The original channel 3 was not working and we connected the cable to channel 4. Therefore, the assignment had to change in software accordingly.
The following holds:
- Computer: k1script
- The asignment table is the file /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/common/scripts/epics-motor-control/stepmotor/steppingmotor/conf.py
- The python script is /opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/cds/common/scripts/epics-motor-control/stepmotor/step_start.py
- The corresponding script at /kagra/bin/ is just a symbolic link to the script named above.
- I copied the original file into conf.py_backup just in case.