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VIS (General)
mark.barton - 11:23 Tuesday 09 April 2019 (8586) Print this report
Type B MEDM/Guardian fix for IM-H coil drivers

With Aso-san, Nakano-san, Shimode-san.

We noticed that the BIO WD on the SRM and other IM-H coil drivers was tripping at quite low output values: around 9000 cts. This was interfering with alignment because the Guardian was programmed to go into the TRIPPED state and ramp everything down when any BIO WD trip was detected.

We checked the JGWDoc entries for the coil drivers (S1707391, S1707376, S1707392, S1707390) and they were all modified LPCDs, with the limit diodes marked as removed.

However we realized that removing the diodes merely disables the cutoff of the output relay, but does not disable the overload signal to the BIO.

Therefore I edited to remove IMH from the list of coil drivers to check the WDs of. I also added a text field to VIS_CUST_TYPEB_BIO.adl to note that the IMH WD can be ignored.

People using the suspension or programming the Guardian should remember to keep an eye on the IMH outputs and/or set appropriate LIMIT values to prevent damage.

I reloaded all the Type B Guardians to make the change take effect.

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