Yesterday, I redid the optical lever layout for the BS according to the new schematic done by Simon. See opticaltablesetupupgrade2.pdf for the new layout.
Unfortunately, when I plugged in the LEN QPD cable, it dragged the stage loose from the clamp and fell off the right edge from the schematic. I probably didn't fix it well enough. As a result, the x and y micrometer mounts got bend while the rest of the QPD stage and the QPD board itself remains undamaged. See bslenqpdstagedamageda.jpg and bslenqpdstagedamageda.jpg for the damaged QPD stage. If the stage cannot be fixed conveniently, we can still use it and use another way to calibrate it without using the micrometers. I apologize for making such a stupid mistake.
As a temporary fix, I rerouted the cables so they tend not to pull the QPDs towards the edge and put some screws to block the stage from going off the edge.
Please see bsolsetup.jpg for the updated OPLEV layout.
optic to viewport: 976 mm (from 3835)
viewport to steering mirror: 120 mm
steering mirror to BS: 65 mm
steering mirror to tilt QPD: 185 mm
BS to lens: 45 mm
calculated lens to len QPD: 399.3 mm
The tilt sensing OPLEV is almost ready. I will put a separate entry in VIS section.