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ryutaro.takahashi - 23:11 Wednesday 21 November 2018 (7081) Print this report
Filter setting with cryo-payload

[R.Takahashi, Sato, Fujii + Tomaru, M.Takahashi]

  1. Released the cryo-payload (CP).
  2. The cables between the BF and the CP were pulled down too much. The fixed point on the wire was shifted down by a few cm.
  3. The LVDT output for the keystone height in BF was changed from the last time. The sign was inversed.
  4. Calibrated the LVDT in BF.
  5. Adjusted the weight of CP so that the keystone height can be about 69mm.
  6. Measured the height of mirror. It was -11mm from the beam axis. The height of BF was 60mm.
  7. Set the height of BF to 64mm. The height of mirror became -7mm.
  8. Released the BF.
  9. Adjusted the keystone height in TF. It was set to -7mm. The height of BF became 58/68.5/65.5mm.
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