[R.Takahashi, Sato, Fujii + Tomaru, M.Takahashi]
- Released the cryo-payload (CP).
- The cables between the BF and the CP were pulled down too much. The fixed point on the wire was shifted down by a few cm.
- The LVDT output for the keystone height in BF was changed from the last time. The sign was inversed.
- Calibrated the LVDT in BF.
- Adjusted the weight of CP so that the keystone height can be about 69mm.
- Measured the height of mirror. It was -11mm from the beam axis. The height of BF was 60mm.
- Set the height of BF to 64mm. The height of mirror became -7mm.
- Released the BF.
- Adjusted the keystone height in TF. It was set to -7mm. The height of BF became 58/68.5/65.5mm.