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osamu.miyakawa - 16:45 Friday 26 October 2018 (6732) Print this report
Picomotor drivers fixed

The trouble on Picomotor drivers was fixed.

I saw only 3 picomotor drivers (MCI, IMMT2, ETMX) in the KAGRA netowork when I started working.
The cause was too messy network connections on the POE switch to picomotor drivers in the laboratory area.
I guess this was a result of adding connection over connections repeatedly without any whole design.
There were a kind of loop connection, not used cables, slow connection by using wrong port or something something.
Under such bad connections, I saw the Picomotor driver becomes unstable and can die easily when a new driver was connected
Then, the new driver cannot be recovered automatically without power off and on.
I cleaned all the networks connected to the POE switch, then such a bad situation was gone.
I asked Nakano-kun to restart Picomotor drivers which he can access.
Actually MCO, IMMT1 and PR3_IM were restarted.
I confirmed that added all 3 drivers are accessible. Total 6 drivers are alive now.

Please restart the drivers if they are dead, when you access. I believe it will survive the next time.

I keep looking at them for the long term stability. If you see troubles even after you restart, please let me know.
Comments to this report:
osamu.miyakawa - 17:57 Monday 29 October 2018 (6754) Print this report

Still all 6 drivers are alive.

osamu.miyakawa - 17:17 Tuesday 30 October 2018 (6768) Print this report
Nakano-kun restarted 3 more drivers. Currently I can see 9 drivers.
For new 3 drivers;
MCE is OK.
Other 2 PRM_BF( and PRM_IM( are sometimes unstable.
Basically they are accessible, but sometimes sending ping has no response .
I will look at them for a while it wil die or survive.
Please check whether the motors works or not on PRM_BF( and PRM_IM(
Also I will check network connection around the small hub which is connected above unstable drivers when I have time.
fabian.arellano - 16:01 Thursday 01 November 2018 (6811) Print this report

I tested all the Type B ones:

BS_IM, BS_BF: alive.

SR2_IM, SR2_BF: alive.

SR3_IM, SR3_BF: No route to host.

SRM_IM, SRM_BF: Not even in the driver list.

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