Uraguchi, K. Nagano, Hasegawa, K. Tanaka, Kita, Akutsu (on Sept 28 2018)
Have finally installed the BRT part on the TMS-VIS in the EXT chamber at the faraway Xend! This is the first time that the both of the BRT and the TMS-VIS are unified together. Thank you for all the cooperation!
After the installation, we saw the BRT ouptut a collimated green beam, which was born in the center room, from where the light was traveling all the way to the Xend room, transmitting through the ETMX, illuminateing the BRT; the beam image Fig 8 would show the shadow of a PD's structure in front of ETMX.
After putting the BRT on the TMS-VIS, we also put dummy masses and ballast masses; the dummy masses are to imitate a vacuum compatible GPT to be put in the future. Then we roughly balanced the TMS-VIS to a nice position.