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fabian.arellano - 21:54 Tuesday 18 September 2018 (6182) Print this report
Various electrical and mechanical tasks.

With Mark, Hirata-san and Panwei.

  1. We checked by how much we can move the F0 keystone when moving the FR to the upper end of its range: 300 um. It's not a lot!
  2. We checked the integrity of the cables connected to the Recoil Mass coils by measuring the resistances of the coils at the connector which plugs into the front of the Satellite Amplifier. We should have measured them at the rack in order to include all the in-air cable lengths but we didn't find the appropriate adapter in the tunnel. The measured values are consistent to the ones reported at the wiki in the OSEM info section. See also this notebook page. The values are
    • TM H1: 20.8 Ohm,
    • TM H2: 22.5 Ohm,
    • TM H3: 24.9 Ohm,
    • TM H4: 21.1 Ohm.
  3. Hirata-san and Panwei lowered the damper ring to the upper neighborhood of the SF. As established by Enzo's and Hatoya-san's measurements the optimum position of the ring is 6 mm above the SF. See notebook page here.
  4. We revisited the balance and quantity of ballast on top of the SF. The idea was to remove ballast from the SF and transfer it to the F0 keystone in order to have a larger safer margin for the weight of the yaw stepper motor assembly. Last week we had put 361 grams on top of the keystone and today we were able to accomodate a total of 480 grams. The highlights of this task were
    • We removed 74 grams from the SF from unusued cable clamps and a few ballast discs.
    • The challenge to tackle was to balance the SF again after thet removal. Balancing proved to be a difficult task last week. Nevertheless, this was easily accomplished by moving a couple of ballast discs from the top to the underneath of the SF base plate (one more of Hirata-san's brilliant ideas!). They were fastened using the M6 threaded holes intended to push the filter cap open with screws.
    • Because the total mass added on top of the keystone was 45 grams in excess of the mass removed from the SF (480 - 361 - 74 = 45 grams) we realized the magnetic damper is applying a lifting force on the SF. This effect has already been observed in SR3. The effect of having the FR in a different height was ruled out by setting and measuring its height to be 13.8 mm, which is the same as before.
    • See notebook report in page 1 and page 2.
  5. Panwei and Hirata-san did inventory of the arch-weights (of the thin and short kinds) . See notebook report here.
  6. We set the position of the F1 keystone close to zero. It was more than -1000 um. We should check for drifts. At the time of writing this entry its position was  -41 um.
  7. Mark checked all of ours LVDT driver numbers.
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fabian.arellano - 19:33 Saturday 22 September 2018 (6255) Print this report

With Mark, Hirata-san and Panwei


On the 20th of September 2018 we finished testing the electrical system before craning the suspension into the chamber. We measured the resistences of the RM coils at the D-sub 15 pin connector which plugs into the back to the coil driver and goes to the satellite amplifiers actuation input. The reference document is the circuit diagram and the cabling diagram. These values were measured outside of the clean room and have not been reported in the notebook.


Coil Sat Amp Channel Connector Pins Resistance (Ohm)
TM H1 1 1,9 26.5
TM H2 2 2,10 28.3
TM H3 3 3,11 30.7
TM H4 4 4,12 26.5


Additionally, we measured the amount of ballast on top of the SF to be 0.998 kg. See page 1 and page 2 of the notebook. The ballast on top of the F0 keystone is 480 grams.

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