Type-A team released ACCs on ITMX. I was able to close the loop of ACC-H2 though, the other two (H1 and H3) seemed to touching to the frame and thus the tilt of the ACC's prove mass have to be tuned. This will be done tomorrow.
Type-A team released ACCs on ITMX. I was able to close the loop of ACC-H2 though, the other two (H1 and H3) seemed to touching to the frame and thus the tilt of the ACC's prove mass have to be tuned. This will be done tomorrow.
On Aug 23th 2018,
We released the ACCs ad the those feedback loops were successfuly closed.
ITMX is now freely suspended (except for F0-GAS). Finally we got all the signals.
TM/coil driver test, TF measurement, sensor/actuator-diagonalization will be done soon next.