[Yokozawa, Nagano, Fujikawa, Kaihotsu, Mori] We installed a magnetometer and five accelerometer to PSL room The magnetometer was locked on the ceiling. Three accelerometers were put on PSL table. Two mini accelerometers were put on periscopes. Then, we saw the signals. The detail report of this installation will be appeared soon.
We calibrated the microphone placed in the PSLroom at 10:54. K1:PEM-PSL_MIC_CENTER_OUT c2v:gain(0.000305) InvAmp:gain(0.01) V2Pa:gain(31.6)
Additional explanation c2v:gain(0.000305) conversion factor from digital count to ADC voltage InvAmp:gain(0.01) inverted gain factor between sensor and ADC V2Pa:gain(31.6) calibration factor of sensor [31.6mV/Pa] So final calibration factor is 9.368e-5[Pa/count]