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chihiro.kozakai - 22:49 Wednesday 01 August 2018 (5677) Print this report
X-end PCal
I measured DGS noise. The file is saved at /users/ckozakai/DGSnoise/. The setup is
DAC0 -> Dsub9pin 50m (for DAC)->(near PCal)->Dsub9pin 50m (for ADC)-> Dsub15pin -> D1302087 (whitening filter) -> ADC0
The whitening filter gain should be subtracted as described in . 3 order whitening filters and 0 dB gain is applied.
There are peaks. Some are time dependent. The cause is not yet known.

I confirmed that shutters themselves work. However, I failed to control the on and off by medm. I found that model is wrong. It seems fixed with Yamamoto-san's help, but it should be confirmed at X-end tomorrow.

Interlock switches are found.

Starting test procedure of the OFS. Today, I checked that DC supply is OK. For functional test, I need some connectors between Dsub, lemo, and BNC.

Important note:
The OFS gain shown in medm is wrong !!!

For now, I decided not to fix it because it affects to the Y-end medm too.
It can be calculated by
49.9*47./52.*V+16.4 [dB]
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