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AOS (Beam Reducing Telescopes)
tomotada.akutsu - 21:19 Wednesday 06 June 2018 (5198) Print this report
A past post (2018 June 4): NAB packing

Ikenoue, Simon, S. Saitou, Akutsu (in Mitaka on June 4, 2018)

In the afternoon, we wrapped the whole NAB suspension with plastic packages and took out from the large clean room at ATC in NAOJ. When we opened the large door of the clean room, the CLASP group, who were sharing the large clean room with us, protected their own setups from the dusts by some sheets.

Moved to the other room, we packed the packaged NAB suspension with moisture-proof aluminum sheet, and craned into a wooden box, and the lids were fixed with box nails.

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