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tomotada.akutsu - 21:43 Wednesday 24 January 2018 (4022) Print this report
[WAB cooling test] Receiving the WAB suspension

Simon, Hasegawa, Miyo, Akutsu

Receiving the WAB

We received the WAB suspension at the Atotsu entrance. That was delivered by a 4t air-sus gate truck by Mimura Unsou. Although Hokuriku area was under the coldest climate in this winter and actually heavily snowing, this was the first time for the driver (and his company) to come Kagra. The driver was so careful that he made a phone call to me at the road station Hosoiri to ask the way to the Atotsu entrance, and I (was already at the entrance) suggested him to come to the Snow Removal Center in front of the Mozumi office and call me again. After he arrived there, I pointed the Mozumi office to make him ask the secretaries there the way he wanted to know; actually explaining the way to Atotsu is very difficult without having any depicted information.

Then we brought the wooden box of the WAB suspension into the IYC clean booth with helps of Furuta-san and Nakada-san, as follows. First at the entrance park, the vertical moving gate of the truck put down the load to the same level of the T3's cargo, and we moved the load horizontally to hand over. The load was located on a wooden pallet so that it can be handed over to a folklift later. The load was brought into the tunnel by T3, and handed over to the folklift, and then to a bishamon, with which the load was brought into the area where the crane can move, and the craned up to overcome a duct connecting PR3 and PR2 chambers. Again it was put down on the bishamon, then moved to another crane area and again came over a duct connecting BS and IYC. Then the wooden box came to -Y/+X side of the IYC chamber (Fig 1, 2).

Then the content, i.e. the WAB suspension itself, was picked up from the wooden box by the crane, and put down on a cart; this is because there was only single eyebolt on the WAB suspension, and the wooden box was too narrow to insert our hands in to take the content out with sufficient forces. Only the eyebolt part was exposed from plastic bags covering the WAB suspension, then a shackle and a sling were connected to the eyebolt and craned up (Fig. 3). Closing the pit opening on the floor with some iron covers, we brought the WAB suspension by the cart close to the entrance of the IYC clean booth. Then Simon and Miyo-kun entered in the booth, and caught the WAB suspension, which was passed by Hasegawa-kun and me from outside (Fig. 4).


Due to the difference of temperature, dew drops appeared on the surface of the WAB suspension. We put several pieces of vectra alpha 10 on the flat area of the suspension, and left it (Fig. 5); after lunch, I found most of the dew drops had gone.

Tilt of the optical table

I roughly checked the tilt of the optical table in the IYC chamber (Fig. 6, 7, and 8), and it seemed it was leveled enough (less than 0.5mm/1m in some degrees of freedom).


The reason why I have time to make longer sentences here is that we need to finish the tunnel works on 15:00 due to the heavy snow devil

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