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enzo.tapia - 12:36 Friday 19 January 2018 (3988) Print this report
SR2 IM OSEM Calibration

With Kozu-kun.

We finished the calibration of the IM OSEMs for SR2. For SR2 IM we will use the OSEMs N# 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52.

Here we present the plots and the calibration factors for the OSEM Input filters.

---------OSEM No. 47-------------- (IM-V1)

Max Output: 15525 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/13774.8 [cnt/mm] =0.0726 [um/cnt]

Linear range: 1520-13515 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 48-------------- (IM-V2)

Max Output: 15050 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/12656.8 [cnt/mm] =0.0790 [um/cnt]

Linear range: 1670-12945 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 49-------------- (IM-V3)

Max Output: 15440 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/13658.3[cnt/mm] =0.0732 [um/cnt]

Linear range: 2270-13015 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 50-------------- (IM-H1)

Max Output: 15675 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/13776.8[cnt/mm] =0.0726 [um/cnt]

Linear range: 1630-13667 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 51-------------- (IM-H2)

Max Output: 14495 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/12922.8 [cnt/mm] =0.0774 [um/cnt]

Linear range: 1810-11992 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 52-------------- (IM-H3)

Max Output: 11645 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/11089.3 [cnt/mm] =0.0902 [um/cnt]

Linear range: 2010-10344 [cnt]

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mark.barton - 13:33 Thursday 15 February 2018 (4189) Print this report

When we finally plugged in the OSEMs on 2018-02-15, we found that the settings above had been lost. Therefore I re-entered the offsets as originally calculated by Enzo and Kozu-kun and redid the gains according to the system I used the BS. For each channel I created a filter in FM1 called mV/ct with a gain of 0.305176 = 20000/2^16 mV/ct representing the electrical gain of the ADC. I then divided Enzo's gains by the same factor. This gives values of a more convenient magnitude for typing in. I snapshotted the new settings.

---------OSEM No. 47-------------- (IM-V1)

Max Output: 15525 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/13774.8 [cnt/mm] = 0.0726 [µm/cnt] = 0.2379 [µm/mV]

Linear range: 1520-13515 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 48-------------- (IM-V2)

Max Output: 15050 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/12656.8 [cnt/mm] = 0.0790 [µm/cnt] = 0.2589 [µm/mV]

Linear range: 1670-12945 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 49-------------- (IM-V3)

Max Output: 15440 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/13658.3[cnt/mm] = 0.0732 [µm/cnt] = 0.2399 [µm/mV]

Linear range: 2270-13015 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 50-------------- (IM-H1)

Max Output: 15675 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/13776.8[cnt/mm] = 0.0726 [µm/cnt] = 0.2378 [µm/mV]

Linear range: 1630-13667 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 51-------------- (IM-H2)

Max Output: 14495 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/12922.8 [cnt/mm] = 0.0774 [µm/cnt] = 0.2536 [µm/mV]

Linear range: 1810-11992 [cnt]

---------OSEM No. 52-------------- (IM-H3)

Max Output: 11645 [cnt]

Calibration factor: 1/11089.3 [cnt/mm] = 0.0902 [µm/cnt] = 0.2955 [µm/mV]

Linear range: 2010-10344 [cnt]

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