[Ushiba, Ishizaki, Sato, Takahashi, Tomaru, Miyamoto]
We succeeded to move the yaw motion of the ETMY smoothly!
**********What we did**********
We replaced the spring of the yaw motion actuator.
We removed the several parts of the earthquake-stop flame of the cryopayload.
After the replacement of the spring, we checked the yaw motion actuator.
In this time, we were watching the picomotor movement directly during the check.
In spite of the correct movement of the picomotor, the smoothness of the actuation wasn't improved.
So, we checked the cryopayload again and tried to confirm if the payload attached the EQ stops or not.
Then, we found that the payload hit the EQ-stop flame (bottom surports for the IMR).
After removing several EQ-stop flame parts that hit to the cryopayload, the actuator motion improved and it moved smoothly.