[Izumi, Shoda, Yamamoto]
We noticed that 1st DAC of k1ioppr0 model did not work (from yesterday?).
DAC output was always 0 and 4th bit of DAC status on GDS_TP screen was turned red (4th bit means FIFO error).
DAC of k1pr3 seemed to work on GDS_TP screen.
We tried to reboot k1pr0. But RTPC was not able to boot up because of kernel pannic.
This is known problem and we recovered it by following procedures.
1) stop RTPC(k1pr0) and IO chassis
2) remove 1st DAC card from IO chassis
3) start IO chassis and RTPC
k1ioppr0 and k1vispr3 worked with only one DAC at that time (2nd DAC was used as 1st DAC on both model).
4) stop RTPC(k1pr0) and IO chassis again
5) put 1st DAC back on IO chassis
6) start IO chassis and RTPC again
Both models are working correctly now.