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masayuki.nakano - 20:05 Thursday 26 October 2017 (3584) Print this report
The BS alginment

[ Izumi, Inoue, Mark, Enzo, Fabian, Nakano]

The Beam Reached to Yend!!

1.  Fine alignment of PR3

We aligned the PR3 to maximize the output of a PD placed on Xend. After alignment we found that the maximum output is about 6000 cnts and it is roughly half of the one on last week. We don't know why so far.

2. Checked beam shape at Xend

We checked beam shape by sensor card at Xend. That seemed not to be clipped and bounced beam.

3. Preparation for BS alignment

We moved KOACH filters placed at the PR3 side of the PR2 chamber to the beam duct connected to gate valve between BS and IYA chamber. 

4. BS alignment

With BS team help, we aligned BS. We used viewports between the BS chamber and Yarm and after the beam go through both viewport. The alignment procedure would be reported by Mark.
At this point some light reached to Yend by chance.

5. PR3 sweeping by Lissajous method

We tried to sweep BS by using IM OSEM but it does not work well. So we used PR3 instead of that. and after 30 minutes sweeping the beam reached to Y end. (the plot  of the PD and opleves is attached) The moving angle in PR3 was -65 urad in pitch and 30 urad in yaw.

Tomorrow we will move BS by those angle and check the beam shape on Yend


We found the beam on PR3 shifted to -Y by 3cm and on BS to -Y by 9cm. We skipped to center them. We should care about that in surveying in IXA, IYA.

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