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naoko.ohishi - 21:04 Wednesday 02 August 2017 (3194) Print this report
IMMT2 suspension passed a Transfer Function measurement test and installed in IFI chamber

[S. Nagano, Ohishi]

IMMT2: We placed coils on IMMT2 suspension.
There was a design mistake in optical path direction about 5mm but it was compensated by spare coil support plates. 
Intermediate mass was slightly tilted to pitch but we judged this is acceptable.

Then we measured Transfer Function.
Measured TF was almost the same as the one measured in 2016. 
We locked the suspension and put it into IFI chamber.
After we released the suspension in the vacuum chamber, we saw Intermediate Mass and mirror displaced a bit.
We adjusted coil position and magnet support around IM.
Finally, we connected cables.

IMMT1: We relocated coils and adjusted the distance between magnets and coils.
Tried TF measurement again but the magnitude was still about 30dB lower than expected.

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naoko.ohishi - 19:42 Friday 04 August 2017 (3211) Print this report
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