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stefan.ballmer - 15:50 Wednesday 28 June 2017 (3015) Print this report
IMC coil driver power supply was broken - and replaced by CLIO/TAMA spare

Keiko, Stefan

This morning we noticed that all 3 IMC optical levers showed a jump at about 7:30am local time. Following up on that we found that none of the VIS alignment sliders for the IMC worked properly, showing no movement, followed by occational large jumps.

Once in the mountain, we tracked the problem down to a broken +24V supply in that (20years old TAMA) chassis. Luckily we found a spare (formerly used in CLIO) lying around in the IMC area, so we installed that one.

All coil drivers again respond properly now: MCe and MCo have brocken monitor channels - but we used the optical levers to verify that the ouputs are working properly.

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