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kentaro.komori - 1:05 Friday 12 April 2024 (29203) Print this report
Checking frequency noise spectrum and relative intensity noise around IMC

I estimated the frequency noise spectrum of the laser source by multiplying the feedback signal (IMC-SERVO_SLOW_OUT) and the PZT actuator efficiency reported in klog:29194.
The result is shown in Fig.1.
It appears that the frequency noise can be measured very clearly above a few Hz.
I believe that the cutoff at a few kHz is due to some low-pass filters just before this channel.
The slope of the spectrum is slightly more gentle than that of a typical NPRO laser.

Next, I checked the relative intensity noise at IMC-CAV_TRANS and IMC-CAV_REFL (Fig.2) and coherence between these and the feedback signal analyzed above (Fig.3).
The reasonable point is the absence of coherence between TRANS or REFL and PDH at all frequencies.

However, several points remain puzzling.

  1. The relative intensity noise differes even though there is coherence below 10 Hz.
  2. The relative intensity noise varies above 10 Hz.
  3. There is no coherence between TRANS and REFL above 10 Hz.

Potential reasons for these discrepancies include dark noise from these PDs and air turbulence.
I will conduct further investigation to address this inconsistency.

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Comments to this report:
kentaro.komori - 20:53 Saturday 13 April 2024 (29219) Print this report

I checked the dark noise of TRANS and REFL and found it to be dominant above 1 kHz and 10 Hz, respectively, as shown in the attached figure.
Therefore, the second and third puzzling points can be explained.

It seems a bit strange that the dark noise is larger than the measured noise with light at the REFL PD.
This can be explained by the fact that the dark noise of some PDs is better with light than without light.

A potential solution to the first puzzling point is that this intensity noise comes from residual length or frequency fluctuation, rather than the intensity noise of light.
We might be able to improve this by adjusting the offset of IMC LSC.

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