[Nakano, Kasuya, Enomoto]
We put all the remaining mirrors (for phase1) on the main path of laser after PMC, and the second EOM (see attached picture).
The transmittance of the EOM is as high as that of the first EOM we put yesterday.
Since the beam is deffracted by ~ 4 degrees for each due to the wedge of the EOMs, we need to move some optics from their designed position as follows:
optics name designed pos current pos
M6 17*170 --> 19*170
BS(M)1 20*170 --> 21*170
M7 20*165 --> 21*165
EOM2a 24*165 --> 25*165
M9 40*165 --> 40*163.5
(waist of beam shifts in +z direction by 6 - 11 holes length, and the waist size is ~ 200 um)
As for the names of optics, please refer to the table layout document (visit here, for example). The positions of the optics are described by hole numbers on the optical table.
Another work we did today is to start installation of temperature contollers for PMC and RefCav; we do not know well how to use them yet, so we have not finished thier test.