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satoru.ikeda - 17:22 Wednesday 14 July 2021 (17520) Print this report
PR2 Traversor motor and PR2 IM PITCH drive Picomotor

[Ikeda, Hirata-san, miyo-san(Mozumi), Akutsu-san, Ushiba-san]

PR2 Traversor motor and PR2 IM PITCH (ch1) Picomotor were operated in order to adjust PR2 and align the infrared light to the center of PR3.
The operation was done by Hirata-san.


Traversor: first connected to 18V, but not driven by correct amount.
  +10(+10) -> +40(+30) -> *90(+50) -> +190(+100)
   -> +390(200) -> +990 (+600) -> +1020(+30) -> +1050(+30)
  +550(-500) -> 0(-550) [mdeg].

I reconnected it to 24V and ran it for the next amount.
I thought the stepper motor was plugged into 18V, but in reality it was plugged into 24V, and I was wrong.
 +50(+50) -> +100(+50) -> +150(+50) -> +350(+200) -> +450(+100) -> +480(+30) [mdeg].

PR2 IM PITCH(ch1) Picomotor is driven.
PITCH moved downward at first.
+100(+100) -> +1100(+1000) -> +2100(+1000) : OSEM:20[urad].
-> +4100(+3000) -> +7100(+3000) -> +12100(+5000) [step].
=> OSEM movement from the position before drive : +600[urad].
-> +22100(+10000) -> +32100(+10000) -> +42100(+10000) [step].

The direction we want it to face is upward, so we drive it in the reverse direction.
+32100(-10000) -> +22100(-10000) -> +12100(-10000) -> +2100(-10000)
-> -3100(-5000) -> -8100(-5000) -> -13100(-5000) -> -18100(-5000)
-> -23100(-5000) -> -25400(-2500) -> -27900(-2500) [step]. 
=> OSEM movement from the position before driving : -600[urad].

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