[Takahashi, Sato, Horiuchi]
- Inspected inside the cup of BF wiith a fiber scope. The FR was around center height. The yaw picomotor is in the CCW side.
- Lifted up the F0 keystone. The BF was released from the bottom stopper of 75mm by 1mm at the F0 height of -13mm. The keystones of F1, F3 and BF went to free, but the keystone of F2 was in upper limit (the same status in O3).
- Exchanged the stoppers (short/long M8 screws) for F0 keystone. Put the top plate with the yaw FR on the F0 keystone.
- Replaced the side stoppers for BF from the old type to the IX/IY type.
- The F0 was overloaded. The compression for all GAS blades was decreased to 13mm, but the F0 did not go to free.