I recover the following oscillator settings and outputs in the ISC cable Diagram.
- In PSL room:
- PSL-10 (Function generator S1706766 (15MHz 8.6dBm)),
- PSL-6 (Function generator Owon AG4121 80 MHz 1Vpp) <--- Sorry, I wonder whether the output is On or Off because this setting seemed to be alive after the power outage.
- In IOO1 rack:
- IOO1-2 (Function generator S1706767 (5.624623500MHz 13dBm)),
- IOO1-3 (Function generator S-------- (13.78MHz 8.6dBm))
- In ALS0 rack:
- ALS0-2 (Function generator KEYSIGHT E8663D (40MHz 10dBm)),
- ALS0-3 (Function generator S--------- (32.996MHz 13dBm)),
- ALS0-6 (Function generator KEYSIGHT 33600A CH1:32MHz 0dBm CH2:32MHz 10dBm),
- ALS0-7 (Function generator KEYSIGHT E8663D (46MHz 10dBm)),
- In ALS1 rack:
- ALS1-24 (Function generator KEYSIGHT 33600A 70.35MHz 3Vpp)
- Both E8663D oscillators are in "remote mode" if the LAN cables are connected with these. Please disconnect the LAN cables if you want to change settings by using the front panel buttons. If reconnect the LAN cables, the remote mode will be recovered automatically.
- I did not check the power condition of PZT drivers.