Today I moved IM-P to a suitable value using the picomotor:
- I set BF LVDT to zero using -8000 counts of coil-magnet actuation.
- Temperature: 22.9 ºC.
- The aim is the value of IM-P during O3GK: -339 urad (see klog 15928).
Initial value of IM-P values:
- Initial: -1631 urad (this value should have been close to -339 urad after releasing the IRM, but apparently we were not not so good in using the oplev as a reference during thre work when IRM was locked.)
- Final: -335 urad.
- Difference: +1296 urad.
- According to one of the screenshots of the medm screen reported in klog 15963, the value of IM-P before begining the IM ballast mass adjustment, when BF LVDT was zero, was -336 urad, which is the value I brought it back to today.
Now I can calculate by how much we disturbed IM-P with out work
- According to to klog 15991, I had moved the IM-P with the picomotor by -778 urad.
- Today I moved it +1296 urad.
- We disturbed IM-P by ( -778 + 1296 ) urad = 518 urad.
I measured transfer functions of the IM (with the exception of IM-V because F0 is locked) and the system looks healthy.