1. Budget
- Total amount executed in FY2019 : https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2818
Tentative list of FY2020 budget
- further cost-cut in your sub-system is welcome.
- amount recovery, if very necessary, is to be noticed to SEO. (https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11539)
2. Schedule of After Observation
- CAL tasks have been done until 27th April.
Suspension Mode from April 27th to May 31st
- KAGRA was in "Suspended Mode".
- UT decided to keep level 3 until May 31st. While faculty members in the Kamioka area will discuss what should we do.
- In this mode, we keep IFO just in "DOWN state" in the LSC_GUARDIAN to be able to quickly recover the IFO to PRFPMI. Most important thing is to keep arm GR resonances in both arms by daily shift members.
- Because of so many earthquakes, especially around Kamikochi area, we decided to concentrate in keeping IFO healthy and safe. So almost no remote works are prohibitted.
- Some members are now making a program to change Type-A state automatically to damping mode according to the amount of shaking due to earthquakes.
- The shift schedule is in here.
3. JRPC related
- No JRPC meeting for the last rwo weeks.
4. Meetings (KSC)
- The KAGRA telecon, May 27 (Wed) & 28 (Thur), 2020.
- The 25th KAGRA Face-to-Face meetingat U. Toyama, August 20-22, 2020.
- The LVK collaboration meeting at Cardiff, UK, September 14-17, 2020 (JPS meeting has same schedule)
- The 26th KAGRA Face-to-Face meetingat NCU, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, Dec. 17-18, 2020.
- The 7th KAGRA International Workshop in NCU, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, Dec. 18-20, 2020
- The LVK collaboration meeting,Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA, March 22-26 ??, 2021
- The 8th KAGRA International Workshop, in Daejeon, Korea, sometime, 2021
- The 9th KAGRA International Workshop, in Beijing, China, sometime, 2021
- Other related GW meetings are listed in http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/DAWG/conferences
1. Postponed tasks scheduled in April / May
- Claen booth cleaning, etc for preparation for O4 updrade managed by Kimura-san.
- Clanes, pulling cars ragular check by Hayakawa-kun.
- Post-observation tasks.
2. Remote work Again ?
- Remote work will be allowed, judging from much less earthquakes around Kamiokochi.
- Remote work scheduling will be held on Tuesday by Miyakawa-kun.
3. Post Observation task Plan and scheduling (Miyakawa)
- Proposed plans.
- We should prioratize them and make a schedule.
- This plan might be affected by LV decision about O3c
4. Paper Management (KSC: Shinkai, Miyoki, Akutsu)
- A plan is summarized in here and updated today. The author and/or manager were almost fixed.
5. Schedule for O4 and any catch up plan ?
- https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9209
More several plans are proposed.
- Offline known line noise subtraction. (PEM / DAS / DGS / DMG / CAL)
Scattered light around IOO (AOS)
- IMMT2 suspension frame modification to keep a clear beam path of transmitting IR and oplev (AOS, VIS). No document about layout.
- BS, PRs, and ETMXY surface monitors (VAC, AOS)
- Electrical Ground (FCL / PEM).
- TMS P/Y coupling (AOS or CRY). Firstky, we should identify its reason.
- Highpower laser pre-preparation (IOO + Haino-san).
- Just after post-observation tasks, DGS update will be done. (DGS)
[ Past Chief Meeting Page ] will be closed because of very poor security and no more maintenacne. Other machine will be discussed as servers.