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OBS (General)
kouseki.miyo - 9:02 Saturday 11 April 2020 (14104) Print this report
shift report
Duration : 2020/04/11 1:00-9:00 JST, all times posted in JST
Operator shift : T.Yamamoto
Co-operator shift : K.Miyo
Supported by T. Ushiba and T. Yokozawa
Shift Summary :
BNS Range : 0.6 Mpc ~ 0.7Mpc
Environment : Microseisms were quiet but earthquakes hit 
Duty cycle : 83% 
Time / Event
1:00 / shift started. The detector was continuously locked.
1:49 / Lock loss due to M5.9 earthquake at Philippines.
  • 1:51 / Request LSC guardian to DOWN state
  • 2:03 / Request LSC guardian to PRFPMI_LSC_LOCKED_RF state because lentgh motion of Type-A suspensions are calmed down to 2 um
  • 2:14 / Turn off the ADS for CARM and DARM by hand due to the CARM ADS did not work well and it decreased IR trans. But we lost lock during this operation.
  • 2:16 / Request LSC guardian to DOWN state again.
  • 2:17 / Request LSC guardian to PRFPMI_LSC_LOCKED_RF state again. But we found that state stoped in ALS_XY_LOCK because PLL of Y-arm was not locked.
  • 2:24 / Request LSC guardian to DOWN state and request ALS-Y to DOWN state. Request ALS-Y to lock state after clear history the Y LASEAR TEMP SERVO.
  • 2:26 / Request LSC guardian to OBSERVATION state directly not to wait ADS alignment.
2:33 / Recoverd lock (we lost observation for 44 minutes)
  • 3:10 / DAQ trouble. We noticed diaggui displaying the sensitivity was jumped.
  • 4:03 / We found ground motion from 30 - 100 mHz was increased. But at this moment, IFO was not lost lock.

4:09 / Lcok loss due to earthquake in somewhere.

  • 4:10 / Request LSC guardian to DOWN state.
  • 4:15 / Request LSC guardian to XX_RF.
  • 4:18 / Turn off the ADS for CARM PIT by hand.
  • 4:19 / Request LSC guardian to OBSERVATION after checking the oplev of ETMs are calmed down.

4:23 / Recoverd lock (we lost observation for 14 minutes)
4:24 / Lcok loss again

  • 4:24 / Request LSC guardian to DOWN. request to OBSERVATION.
  • 4:31 / Lost lock during the transition. request to DOWN.
  • 4:34 / Request LSC guardian to OBSERVATION again.

4:40 / Recoverd lock (we lost observation for 16 minutes)
5:30 / Lock loss due to earthwuake in somewhere.

  • 5:31 / Request LSC guardian to OBSERVATION state directly.
5:39 / Recoverd lock (we lost observation for 9 minutes)
8:35? / We rebooted gnome of the k1ctr3 to relaunch freezed guardian screen. BUT after reboot it, LSC guradian was requested to NONE state accidentally. 
8:38 / Requested LSC guardian to OBSERVATION state. After that, LOCK DURATION on the lock monitor was reset.
9:00 / Continuous locking. (End)

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