** BF GAS filter LVDT off load **
I off loaded the LVDT at BF using the fishing rod.
Since I cannot open the COM port from the Nport serial-ethernet converter, I directly connected the PC and the motor driver using the USB-miniUSB converter cable.
How to:
- Download 'TMCL-PC' program from the web site.
- Open the Stepping motor box and connect the mini-USB port and PC.
- Start TMCL-PC as admin
- Click 'Option,' and chose the COM port where the USB is connected.
- Click finger mark.
- Chose the motor. (In this case, motor0)
- Chose ROL or ROR (command 1 or 2), and input some number at the left box, which is the speed of the motor. Excute.
-- I tried 50, but the WD did not tripped.
-- In order to lower down the key stone, use command 2.
-- In order to lower down the key stone, use command 2.
- Chose STP (command 3) and excute when you want to stop the motor. Till you click excute, the motor keeps rotating.
I still cannot find why Nport cannot open the COM port for the motor... :(
As far as I checked, the serial setting seems OK...
** BIO for resetting WD **
I gave up to install the BIO into the k1pr0 since we do not have chance to shut down the k1imc and k1pr0 at the same time.
Also, we think it is not a good choice to shut the PC down before the test run.
Also, we think it is not a good choice to shut the PC down before the test run.
If you have any chance to shutdown the k1imc and k1pr0, could anyone please set the BIO board in k1pr0?
The BIO board is in the orange box next to the hanger rack in front of PR3 booth.
** Tilt meter **
Also, I could not install the tilt meter in PR2.
I tried to put the tilt meter between the BF and the interface plate of the Traverser, and to use the clamp use to fix the IM EQ stop during assembly in order to fix the tilt meter.
However, I could not fix the tilt meter since the clamp was thicker than I expected.
I will try to find the tilt of the inner frame using the IM/IRM relative position during the evacuation from the end of April.
- ** BF GAS filter LVDT off load **
I off loaded the LVDT at BF using the fishing rod.
Since I cannot open the COM port from the Nport serial-ethernet converter, I directly connected the PC and the motor driver using the USB-miniUSB converter cable.
How to:
- Download 'TMCL-PC' program from the web site.
- Open the Stepping motor box and connect the mini-USB port and PC.
- Start TMCL-PC as admin
- Click 'Option,' and chose the COM port where the USB is connected.
- Click finger mark.
- Chose the motor. (In this case, motor0)
- Chose ROL or ROR, and input some number at the left box, which is the speed of the motor.
(I tried 50, but the WD did not tripped.)