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terrence.tsang - 10:30 Tuesday 12 November 2019 (11486) Print this report
POP WFS layout update


Guoy phase difference x: 90.94 degrees

Guoy phase difference y: 89.17 degrees

Beam radius x QPD1: 293.158 um

Beam radius x QPD2: 306.352 um

Beam radius y QPD1: 306.458 um

Beam radius y QPD2: 293.048 um

dynamic range PZT1-QPD1: 600.225 um

dynamic range PZT2-QPD2: 599.909 um

Beam radius x RFPD: 99.241 um

Beam radius y RFPD: 100.761 um



HBS1 to RLNS1: 0.98111036 m

RLNS1 to RLNS2: 0.27404082 m

RLNS2 to PZT1: 0.20002169 m

RZT1 to QPD1: 0.60022513 m

RLNS1 to PZT2: 0.46547563 m

PZT2 to QPD2: 0.59990921 m

RLNS1 to RFPD: 0.35863921 m

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Comments to this report:
keiko.kokeyama - 21:00 Tuesday 12 November 2019 (11498) Print this report

[Terrence, Keiko]

Intermediate update: We are modifying the gouy phase telescope as suggested in the main post, and haven't finised yet. Two lens positions were changed, and the LSC PDs were re-centered. Tomorrow the beam profile of the new WFS paths will be measured.

One observation: the beam shape at the whole path is very dirty, as attached. This shape seems to be from the P-pol shape. So probably the profile cannot measured very precisely. We observed the shape after PBS, but the shape was almost the same.

Note: POP and POP-Ppol camera have light, but, as the gouy telescope changed, the beam size is quite large at the cameras. Some lens will be inserted tomorrow.

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