[Miyakawa, Kokeyama]
Miyakawa san found that MC_TRANS power was much lower in this morning. He found that MCO_PIT, MCE_PIT and PR3_PIT&YAW were drifting all the night for about 15 hours. 4urad and 2 urad moved in pitch for MCO and MCE, respectively. 10urad for PR3 PIT, 30urad for PR3 YAW moved, respectively.
Looking at the dataviewer, the starting time of the drifts is almost the same and sudden for the all (around 3/18 18:00 JST).
We looked the temperature data (K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_FIELD_MC_RACK, attached temperature.png) but there is no significant correlation. We have no idea what can cause such ground(?) motion.
Miyakawa san re-aligned all three MC suspension in the morning (the last jumps in each dataviewer plots). So MC_TRANS power was restored same as before.