= ITMX and ETMX =
I found that the residual motion of the GAS fiters (keystones) looked reatively large and it seemed that reshaping filters would bring me a benefit for my work, then I did and impelemetd to "GAS DAMP" filter bank.
- The newly made ones are labeled dcdamp_test or dc_test, pelase do not remove them.
- The most upper stage has dc+damp fiter, and the others have (dc+damp) and dc. This conbination is to be decided. I confirmed that the worked individually at least.
- The attachments shows the spectra of the GAS motion before and after the reshaping work, there was improvement somehow, to be tuned more though.
Figure 1 is about ITMX, Figure 2 is about ETMX suspension.
- before: labeled (REF*)
- after: labeled w/o ( )
- Note that ITMX-BFGAS loop could NOT be closed properly, and I did not used it. It seemed due to a line at high frequency, to be checked.
- Since I did not finish a long-term stability test, I reset the configuration to the today's starting point. Nothing is changed from before now. To be done for next.
- note for ITMX, ETMX
- The data is in: /users/VIS/TypeA/general/LogNotes/20190924/*/