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fabian.arellano - 17:00 Wednesday 11 September 2019 (10464) Print this report
Comment to Tripping of the HPCD of GAS stages does not trigger the tripping of the tower part. (10352)

Today I went into the tunnel and checked the status of the binary input/output (BIO) cables for the coil drivers. The constraint was that I was not able to disconnect any cable because they were using the suspension.

According to the cable labels, some seem to be connected incorrectly. However, it's necessary to disconnect one by one in order to check the effect on each stage. The  highlights are the following:

  • The IP HPCD is labeled as #0 but the BIO cables are labeled for HPCD#1.
  • The GAS HPCD as labeled as #1 but the BIO cables are labeled for HPCD#0.
  • The two IP cable, labeled HPDC#1/DIO#2, are connected to cable without labels, cables that go to the DIO cards inside the I/O chassis.
  • One cable which is meant for HPCD#1, BIO2, DIO#2 is used for the GAS filter and IP fishing rods.
  • The other cable which si meant for HPCD#1, BIO1, DIO#2 is not connected.

Tomorrow I will aim to check again by disconnecting cables.

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