8-50Hz larger coherence with ITMX TM Yaw motion (See fig.1)
14Hz with BS IP ACCs
22.44 Hz, 29.69 Hz coherence with mic
24Hz quite large coherence between ITMX TM/MN Yaw each DAMP_GAS
30Hz strong coherence with EXC andEYC magnetometer, that may caused by 60 Hz noise.
42.25Hz coherence with BS activity and BS seismometer
41-44Hz there are many coherence, inverstigate later (See fig.2 and fig.3)
58.3Hz strong coherence with BS seismometer
93-94 Hz strong coherence with SR3 and SRM IM damp
104Hz with BS pit and PR2, some source around BS booth
107Hz, 109Hz,111.5Hz BS Yaw
128.3, 256.7Hz ITMY yaw and ITMX yaw
233.3Hz Many coherence with PEMs related with ground?
313.5Hz PR2 pit and POP acc
435.43 525Hz sound
(Some coherence with end station magnetometer around the Schumann resonance frequency, but I didn't calculate the detectability, could someone calculate the detectability by the MAG13?)